This is the 4th carving, more detail. I've been printing samples with varying success. I was trying for a transparent red, but it turned out to be way too tacky. So I'm back to straight aliz. crimson. I can eliminate the markings on the door panel by using a guide along the left side when I'm inking, and blotting away any ink that hits the block. Baby powder helps with this as well. Not a problem.
I was about to print the second color when I remembered I had to carve the first pass of the wallpaper. Then I had a crisis of design and hit the books. I was paging thru a Pre-Raphaelite book and was thinking of checking out William Morris as well, when I started noodling around with vines and stars and stuff. Much more noodling, including a session with pumpkin spice coffee at Java 'n Jazz, and I believe I have my design.
Yellow stars with red rays on a blue field. Blue may turn out more purply, have to see. But the centers of the stars will be yellow with yellow rays interposed with red ones, which will transition into blue on the final printing. (See
Once In a Blue Moon for an idea of the stars.)
So that's where I am at the moment. 8-]