Monday, July 12, 2010

Two-tone Paleo-Seahorses

Ok, so I printed up some paleo-seahorses today.  First I've printed since I recarved the block.  I like this a lot better.  Now I can forget about it for awhile.  It's been haunting me to get it printed.

I did the first print (upper right in this shot) in yellow ochre with burnt sienna tapped in.  Need to order more yellow ochre, so for the other three I mixed yellow and burnt sienna for the base color, with burnt sienna tapped in.  I think I did a pretty good job of matching.

Now I can move on to something else.  Anything else.  ;-j


Daniel L. Dew said...

I love the colors and design, wish I had a better snapshot to look at, but I followed your point. I like the one in the upper left corner.

Ellen Shipley said...

Thanx Daniel. I'll be scanning it in for a better view once it's thoroughly dry. I hate getting ink on the scanner bed. ;-y