Sunday, July 07, 2013

Xmas in July

I can't believe it's time to start thinking about the Schuyler House xmas card again!  Xmas in July.  Oh well, that's a trope.

Of course there always has to be a castle in the picture ~ the Schuyler House castle to be precise.  Or some variation on it.

So what goes with a castle?  A dragon?  A xmas dragon in a Santa hat?  Curled up around the base of the castle maybe?  Or a baby dragon hanging in a stocking on the hearth?

Of course we have puppies at SH, but they won't be puppies come xmas.  Still, puppies in little Santa hats would be toot suite.  ;-]

Ha!  They could be guarding the portcullis.  ;->  Keeping watch for Santa?  8-]  That sounds kewt.  Never mind they'll be bigger than Gabrielle by xmas.  Maybe as big as Lady.

~ As an aside ~ it would be really nice to do woodcuts of all the SH dogs.  I did Tay in an xmas card already.  I'll tuck that into the back of my mind for later.

Googling castle portcullis and castle gate for some interesting images to contemplate.


Ooh!  A thought.  A doggie-door sized portcullis.  8-]

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