tablet woven band from the pattern on our wedding rings
See that's the problem. I have too many interests, often in opposition to each other. I have discovered that when I concentrate on my art, I let my writing slide, and vice versa. Throw fiber arts back into the mix and I have a three-way tug of war for my attention. And let me tell you, ink and fiber do not mix! That's why I split my studios.
I think my hobbies need to learn to get along. Maybe that should be this year's project: learning to share.
Now hobbies are notoriously jealous of my time, and they're not inclined to share. When an idea grabs me it's like a dog with the bone, and I'm the bone. So how to set boundaries without interrupting the flow?
That's the real trick, isn't it.
What about a joint project? I've done that before, as when I printed woodblocks on cloth.
Nothing to write home about, but it's a concept. Mixed media. I do it with my woven/beaded tapestries.
So a printed and woven tapestry is not out of the question. I did woven paleo mythos critters before I did printed ones.
Ok, weave the canvas. Now I get really bored weaving vanilla cloth, but say a plain tabby woven section on an otherwise complex woven piece? Dornick twill, double weave, summer & winter, rosepath. Pull out some of my old favories.
This shows promise.